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All about patent


Patent is a legal document, serves as a mean to secure your idea in your parent country, which can be further extended to worldwide, however the duration of rights has been limited by the governments and the international bodies due to some reasons, such as the technology get changed with time or the inventor is subjected to take royalty or opportunity for a limited time. The time frame for the utility patent is 20 years and 15 years for the design patent. After the set time, everyone is free to use the patent as a free, however nobody can claim it, since the technology was already secured by the original inventor in the past. 

Typical example of utility patent

Essential parts of patent application

The patent application called as Draft, is a combination of parts describes each and everything about the invention in details, the parts are discussed here segment wise :

1. Title

The title word is self explanatory, that is identical to the headline of the news, around which the whole story revolves, the half of the matter can be easily understand by the suitable headline. Therefore the suitable title is very important before designing  the draft of your invention and it is the basis of search and examination by the patent officer, who will be going to grant you the patent number on your invention in near future.  

2. Applicant

The applicant is the legal owner of the invention, to whom the legal rights of the patent would be granted by the law. The applicant and inventor may or may not be same in every application.
In the above example, the filing company is the applicant / legal owner of the patent.

3. Inventor

The inventor is the person, who has worked on the invention, in the above case the inventor are the employees of the Ford, who are being hired or being payed for their work. In case of individual inventor, the applicant may be the same as an inventor, as he is working for the self and affording all the expense related to the filing, therefore entitled to the legal rights and the whole benefits associated with the invention. 

4. Abstract

Here the inventor is going to mention the whole summary of the patent such as what is the basis of patent, how it will serve the purpose of the invention and how it is going to be utilized in the real world.

5. Field of invention

This portion describes about the invention in details, the things like - what is the invention, what are objects included in the invention and how the mechanism of invention works. How new invention affect the overall performance of the object.


6. Background of the invention

In the background section, as the name suggest, the same type of things happening around us has been listed along with the past history of their origin. How the things has been improved / changed over the years has been briefly mentioned inside the segment.


7. Summary of the Invention

In the summary section, there are the certain things about the invention are defined, for instance - what is the invention, what aspect of the object it will cover or in which ways your invention affect the function of the object. what are the overall benefits your invention would provide in near future.


8. Ballooned drawings

The drawing is the representation of your invention or technology, which has a more practical value than the words mentioned in each segment. Without drawings your draft format is incomplete and not liable for any legal right. Drawings are like a map of the house you are going to construct, it is a formal plan either handmade or computer generated, is very essential part of the plan.


9. Description of ballooned articles

The above given is the drawing with all parts subdivided in to many objects, mentioned with unique number called balloon. The ballooned articles then are defined individually with their own function in the whole mechanism.   


10.  Claims made

The Claims made are the benefits by virtue of your invention or what benefits user is going to receive by using your invention. There are the two main types of claims - independent claims or direct claims, directly linked with your invention and Dependent claims - the benefits are not direct, but are indirectly received by virtue of direct benefits.   

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