Meshing Basics - Solid meshing
Why to choose solid mesh
Sometimes we need visual aspect to see
the exact/realistic look of the thickened part after forming process or for
realistic look of the effect of special Iteration/modification after forming.
First step is to produce the correct 2d
There are two ways to create the perfect
quard mesh - first is the conventional method, most suitable for square or
rectangular sheet without hole or contour.
Second is the radial meshing, by
dividing the geometry and meshing the segments individually, however ensure the
connectivity of the elements.
The quality of mesh directly impacting
the accuracy of the results, since the solver is solving each node, better
connectivity among elements, more reliable are the results.
See the video for Radial meshing method :
Importance of correct element size:
It's very important to choose the
correct element size, since the results are directly affected due to this, for
instance with the min. radius value of 5mm on the final product, the mesh size
should be the 1/4th of the min. radius to obtain the correct thinning results,
at least 4-elements should be there on that radius during analysis for
realistic output.
How to generate the solid mesh:
The solid mesh is created from the 2D
mesh from the multiple 3d meshing options, preferably drag option, for instance
i have created quard mesh on the simple square sheet via. conventional method
or by creating a quard mesh on the complex curved surface via. radial meshing
See the video tutorial on the solid meshing:
If you want to learn the Metal forming simulation, read the book "Practical guide to forming simulation"
The book is available via. the following links.
Buy from here at 20% discount.
Buy the book from Notion press
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